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JavaScript Effects
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Screen Resolution Hack
One of the most practical solutions to solve our screen resolution problems. Sure it's double the work, but hey it works and we keep the few 800x600 users we get rather than scare them off!
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Ajax Pagination script v2.2
A script that displays content from multiple pages and on demand, using Ajax. New version adds ability to limit the range of the visible pagination links shown for a book with many pages.
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PURE Unobtrusive Rendering Engine
PURE is an Open Source JavaScript Template Engine for HTML, enabling any part of your HTML document to become a template.
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Ajax Mouseover Tabs
A two rows Ajax Tabs Menu, with the 2nd row's contents dynamically fetched via Ajax.
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44 Lightbox scripts compared
Overwhelmed by all the Lightbox scripts out there? This page provides a quick comparison of 44 Lightbox scripts using a chart.
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jqPuzzle puzzle script
jqPuzzle lets you easily create a sliding puzzle out of any image you choose!
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All Levels Navigational Menu v2.3
A versatile, multi level CSS menu now supports the ability to define vertical side menus as well.
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Tipmage image map tooltip
Tipmage is a JavaScript class for creating tooltips (or "notes") over different areas of an image, as seen in Flickr.
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SoundManager 2
SoundManager 2 is an attempt at providing a JavaScript sound API mimicking that found in Flash.